
Sierra generations family tree millennium edition
Sierra generations family tree millennium edition

The range of my survey has become quite extensive: covering 28 different countries across the Afro-Diaspora. One main aspect to take to heart is that there will always be individual variation around the mean! Still the overall sample size of n=889 for this Afro-Diaspora survey should be sufficiently robust to pick up on the main tendencies. The group averages I have calculated for my various survey (sub)groups are neither absolute or conclusive but rather to be seen as indicative. “ Establishing where each African region is relatively more pronounced or instead more subdued might provide insightful clues for the unique ethnogenesis of each nationality being shown as well as for African Americans.” ( Fonte Felipe 2015) Also including group averages for “Broadly West African” and “Broadly Congolese & Southern East African”. Click on this link for an expanded version of this table. In accordance with expectations and therefore quite coherent already. While Cape Verdeans and Jamaicans show the highest degree of West African DNA.

sierra generations family tree millennium edition

This table contains my main survey findings: the scaledgroup averages for 889 Afro-descendants from 28 different countries! Notice how Brazilians and Afro-descendants from the Indian Ocean show the highest degree of Central & Southeast African DNA.

  • Hispanic results reflecting Upper Guinean Founding Effect.
  • Underrepresented parts of the Afro-Diaspora.
  • Distinctive results across the Diaspora.
  • Southeast Asian admixture indicative of Madagascar connection.
  • African Americans, Brazilians, Cape Verdeans, Haitians, Hispanic Americans, West Indians.
  • Meaningful differentiation between Anglo-Caribbeans, Dutch Caribbeans and Garifuna.
  • Virginia’s African roots most impactful on African American overall genepool?.
  • Upper Guinean Founding Effect for Hispanic Americans.
  • In the remaining part of this blog post I will discuss the following: The additional non-African scores and Recent Ancestral Locations actually reinforcing the robustness of 23andme’s predictions. Which will usually quite closely correspond with either known genealogy or historical plausibility.

    sierra generations family tree millennium edition

    Based on both my African and Afro-Diasporan surveyfindings I find it quite impressive though that 23andme is often able to describe a person’s African origins in a meaningful regional framework. To summarize: I do indeed believe that 23andme’s African breakdown has passed the test! Although obviously there are several shortcomings to take into account.

    sierra generations family tree millennium edition

    Take notice as well how the additional Recent Ancestor Locations are on point! Instead focus on what ever informational value you can obtain despite imperfections. Unrealistic expectations about “100% accuracy” as well as counter-productive obsessing about regional labeling should be avoided. Most of the outcomes are roughly corresponding with documented African roots for each of my survey groups. screenshots of individual results) on these pages:Ī small selection of 23andme results from across the Afro-Diaspora. But in this blog post I will at last present my main 23andme survey findings based on 889 results from 28 different countries across the Afro-Diaspora! Actually I have already analyzed these results in greater detail (incl. 2 Because of other projects I have not been able to process my entire data-set earlier.


    My 23andme survey has been ongoing till 23andme’s update in October 2019. Which was based on my surveyfindings for 173 African 23andme testers from 31 countries (see this blog post). Two years ago in February 2019 I published the first part of my examination of 23andme’s African breakdown.

    sierra generations family tree millennium edition

    As well as to improve correct interpretation of personal results. 1 Similar to my previous Ancestry surveys my main research goal has always been to establish how much these results on an aggregated group level can already (despite limitations of sample size and other shortcomings) be correlated with whatever is known about the documented regional African roots for each nationality. Finally providing a meaningful breakdown of West & Central African ancestry!Soon afterwards I started a survey of 23andme results among Africans as well as African Americans and other Afro-descended nationalities. Often beneficial for Tracing African Roots! Starting with the introduction of a new African regional framework in 2018. In the last couple of years 23andme has implemented several updates.

    Sierra generations family tree millennium edition